Irish dance medals |
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Holding an Irish dancing medal is a satisfying thing--all of the hard work and time you've spent in practice is validated by that little token presented to you at a competition. You give the medal a place of honor, perhaps on your dresser or hanging next to your ties or necklaces in your bedroom.
But after you attend a few feisanna, you have more medals than you have space on your dresser. If you have family members who also feis, you know that those medals end up on the floor, on shelves or filling a dresser drawer.
One easy solution is to place the medals in a scrapbook. I first heard of this idea from Sharon, a fellow adult Irish dancer and feis mom.
Sharon took a scrapbook and filled it with protective sheets that are used for baseball card collecting. Each medal has its own little pocket. She then printed labels for each medal and used the sticky back to seal off the opening of each pocket to prevent the medals from slipping out. Sharon then decorated the front of the scrapbook with a first place ribbon.
Card collecting sleeves neatly display Irish dance medals |
The scrapbook can also include feisanna results printouts, photos and written memories.
You can create your own Irish dance medal scrapbook or purchase a ready-made album from Sharon. Email her at for more information.
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